Puzzle Chair
TitelPuzzle Chair
Vervaardiger Joris Laarman
Beschrijvingstoel bestaande uit zwarte als witte 3D-puzzelstukken en koppelstukken voor het onderstel. Het ontwerp van de Makerchairs is als 'open source' bestand uitgegeven en kan via een 3d-printer stukje voor stukje worden uitgeprint en in elkaar gezet. Voor de poten wordt rondhout gebruikt in voorgeschreven diameter en lengte.
In the tradition of the early modernists, who often created manuals of their designs so that people could replicate their work at low cost, the blueprints of the 3D-printable versions of the Makerchairs were made available on the Internet under a creative commons license for people to download, modify and manufacture themselves. In that sense the Maker furniture is a work in progress and we invite everyone to help make them smarter and more diverse.
In the tradition of the early modernists, who often created manuals of their designs so that people could replicate their work at low cost, the blueprints of the 3D-printable versions of the Makerchairs were made available on the Internet under a creative commons license for people to download, modify and manufacture themselves. In that sense the Maker furniture is a work in progress and we invite everyone to help make them smarter and more diverse.
Datum 2015 - 2016
Vervaardiging periode21e eeuw
Objectnaamstoelen naar ontwerp
Techniek3-D printen