Three Places in New Inkland
TitelThree Places in New Inkland
Vervaardiger David Cole (vervaardiger), Richard Kostelanetz (vervaardiger), Bill Shipley (vervaardiger), Paul Zelevansky (uitgever), Lynn Zelevansky (uitgever)
BeschrijvingA collection of written and drawn fictions by three artists concerned with the creation of new geographical territory as a metaphor for artistic journey. With his contribution, David Cole attempts to "form New Inkland from the ground up," giving birth to an imaginary people, their language, and their landscape through illustrative ink drawings. Richard Kostelanetz follows with a series of aerial perspectives and abstract forms organized into three "constructivist fictions," and Bill Shipley concludes the book with an essay exploring the difference between the art object and the artwork, a conceptual journey he embarked upon when he exhibited a handmade box kite at the Parsons-Truman Gallery in a show called "This Doesn't Look Like a Work of Art."
Datum 1977
Vervaardiging periode20e eeuw
Materiaaldrukpapier, drukinkt
- hoogte: 27.5 cm
pagina-aantal: 88