Schema (March, 1966)
TitelSchema (March, 1966)
Vervaardiger Zbigniew Gostomski (vervaardiger), Lessin Publications (uitgever), König (uitgever)
BeschrijvingIn my earliest conceptually oriented work, I used the magazine page as my medium. An exemplary, and perhaps the most absolute and complex, proto- conceptual magazine page that I made is Schema (March 1966). It is completely self-referential. Instead of relating to the white cube of the gallery, the work involves the “materiality” of its own self-referring information. As magazine information is disposable, the pages defeated the monetary aura of gallery art and also had the virtue of positioning art in a popular and publicly accessible domain. Placing work in the context of the magazine page allowed it to be read in juxtaposition to art criticism, art reviews, and art magazine reproductions of art objects installed in exhibition spaces. Presented as such, Schema (March 1966) framed the publication, showing its intrinsic ties to the gallery/magazine publicity structure. Reciprocally, this piece exists only by its own presence in the in-formational literalness of the magazine image.
Datum 1972
Vervaardiging periode20e eeuw
Materiaaldrukpapier, drukinkt
- hoogte: 28 cm
pagina-aantal: 32