Mèla no.3, Autumno/Inverno 1978
TitelMèla no.3, Autumno/Inverno 1978
Vervaardiger Maurizio Nannunci (redacteur), Biancoenero edizioni d'arte (uitgever)
BeschrijvingHistorical magazine edited by the artist Maurizio Nannucci, with a high profile and liberal editorial style. The five numbers were published in a period of five years and contain contributions of many artists who, through the diffusion of the conceptual-poor “international style”, proposed the need for militant publications, strongly polemic with the state of how things were... The publication of the five numbers in only 500 copies and the presence of notable and important names have transformed “Mèla” in a rarity which is harder and harder to find (especially in a complete set)
.Oplage 500 exemplaren plus 50 genummerd.
.Oplage 500 exemplaren plus 50 genummerd.
Datum 1978
Vervaardiging periode20e eeuw
Materiaaldrukpapier, drukinkt