Five by seven for Yvon Lambert, Nine Works by Richard Tuttle
TitelFive by seven for Yvon Lambert, Nine Works by Richard Tuttle
Vervaardiger Richard Tuttle (vervaardiger), Yvon Lambert (uitgever)
Beschrijving"These are nine pieces begun early in 1977 and extend, with interruptions, to the latter part of the year. They form a whole, for me, in that they all are a concern for the rectangle , 5" x 7", and that is their underlying unity. In addition they are mostly made of corrugated cardboard and painted with acrylic paints. The idea for making this book comes from wanting to make them a cohesive whole and to make their structure clearer." Richard Tuttle
Datum 1978
Vervaardiging periode20e eeuw
Materiaaldrukpapier, drukinkt
- hoogte: 12.5 cm
pagina-aantal: 10