Bon Temps (Objects for the Electronic Age)
TitelBon Temps (Objects for the Electronic Age)
Vervaardiger Nathalie Du Pasquier (designer), Arc74 (producent)
BeschrijvingVaas, uit de serie: Objects for the Electronic Age.
Nathalie Du Pasquier and George J. Sowden have designed and developed, since the Autumn of 1983, a series of objects called 'Objects for the Electronical Age'. This collection which includes clocks, lamps, vases, fruit bowls, boxes and trays is produced by ARC74 - Milan.
Other than painted and chromed sheet metals, materials used are: wood, perspex, marble and plastic laminates produced in collaboration with Abet Print with decorations by the two designers.
The collection presented in the Show-Room of ARC74 is made up of 23 different pieces produced in series.
(informatie volgens John Veldkamp: het uiteindelijke aantal in deze serie zou 27 zijn)
Nathalie Du Pasquier and George J. Sowden have designed and developed, since the Autumn of 1983, a series of objects called 'Objects for the Electronical Age'. This collection which includes clocks, lamps, vases, fruit bowls, boxes and trays is produced by ARC74 - Milan.
Other than painted and chromed sheet metals, materials used are: wood, perspex, marble and plastic laminates produced in collaboration with Abet Print with decorations by the two designers.
The collection presented in the Show-Room of ARC74 is made up of 23 different pieces produced in series.
(informatie volgens John Veldkamp: het uiteindelijke aantal in deze serie zou 27 zijn)
Vervaardiging plaatsMilaan
Datum 1983 - 1983
Vervaardiging periode20e eeuw
Objectnaamvormgeving, vaas
- hoogte: 21.5 cm
rand vaas diameter: 17.5 cm
voetplaat diameter: 35 cm
Credit lineGroninger Museum, aangekocht met steun van de Vriendenloterij