Schaalmodel Nani Nani Building, Tokyo, Japan
TitelSchaalmodel Nani Nani Building, Tokyo, Japan
Vervaardiger Philippe Starck, O.W.O. Montfort-l'Amaury, Alessi
BeschrijvingIn aluminium gegoten schaalmodel van een door Phillip Starck ontworpen gebouw 'Nani Nani' in Tokio.
"Nani Nani : it's Tokyo, it's a construction. It's the biomorphic scenario. It's the question "Inanimate objects, do you have soul?". It's how to breathe life into a building, making it animal, dynamic." Ph.S
"Nani Nani : it's Tokyo, it's a construction. It's the biomorphic scenario. It's the question "Inanimate objects, do you have soul?". It's how to breathe life into a building, making it animal, dynamic." Ph.S
Datum 1986 - 1986
Vervaardiging periode20e eeuw
Objectcategoriearchitectuur, vormgeving
Techniekgieten [techniek]
- hoogte: 15.50 cm
breedte: 7.00 cm
diepte: 11.00 cm
Credit lineGroninger Museum. Schenking Jos Holtkamp, Amsterdam (2022)