Four Events and Reactions
TitelFour Events and Reactions
Hersteller John Baldessari (vervaardiger), Galerie Sonnabend (uitgever), Centro Di (uitgever)
BeschreibungPublished on the occasion of an exhibition held at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam (November 21st, 1975 - January 4th, 1976), this artist's book features black and white images of four "events" on the left hand side, and images of a woman's reactions to them on the right. The events are documented with 6 photographs each, and include putting a finger in milk, touching a cactus, extinguishing a cigarette and pushing a plate off a table.
Datum 1975
Entstehungszeitraum20e eeuw
Materialdrukinkt, drukpapier
- hoogte: 12.5 cm
breedte: 17.8 cm
pagina-aantal: 52