De ophaalbrug in Nieuw-Amsterdam
TitelDe ophaalbrug in Nieuw-Amsterdam
Vervaardiger Vincent van Gogh
BeschrijvingIn september 1883 verliet Vincent van Gogh zijn toenmalige woonplaats Den Haag voor Drenthe, en huurde hij voor drie maanden een kamer in Nieuw-Amsterdam. Drenthe was indertijd geliefd onder kunstenaars vanwege de spectaculaire landschappen en het boerenleven, dat zwaar maar ook schilderachtig was. Er zijn maar weinig werken bekend uit de periode dat Van Gogh in Drenthe was. Deze aquarel met de ophaalbrug van Nieuw-Amsterdam, waarop hij uitkeek vanuit zijn kamer, is beslist één van de meest representatieve overblijfselen van zijn werk uit deze periode, dat vaak zwaar en donker was. Deze grote aquarel daarentegen werd in een lichte lyrische toon gehouden, met herinneringen aan Mauve en Liebermann.
In the autumn of 1883 Vincent van Gogh spent two and a half months in Drente, of which two months in Nieuw-Amsterdam. Although worried by a serious lack of money and materials, he is delighted hy the extensive moors. He attributed the great changes which he observed in himself and in his work mainly to the effect of the landscape of Drente. He writes this to his brother Theo and in one of these long letters from this period he also mentions a painting and a large sketch of a drawbridge.ln earlier correspondence he had already written about the view from his room, where he could watch the moor and a "very curious drawbridge". The bridge is shown on this water-colour. Unlike the gloomy paintings from this period. in which he reduces everything to closed forms in dark. brownish-green colours. this water-colour is light of colour and loosely structured.
In the autumn of 1883 Vincent van Gogh spent two and a half months in Drente, of which two months in Nieuw-Amsterdam. Although worried by a serious lack of money and materials, he is delighted hy the extensive moors. He attributed the great changes which he observed in himself and in his work mainly to the effect of the landscape of Drente. He writes this to his brother Theo and in one of these long letters from this period he also mentions a painting and a large sketch of a drawbridge.ln earlier correspondence he had already written about the view from his room, where he could watch the moor and a "very curious drawbridge". The bridge is shown on this water-colour. Unlike the gloomy paintings from this period. in which he reduces everything to closed forms in dark. brownish-green colours. this water-colour is light of colour and loosely structured.
Vervaardiging plaatsNieuw-Amsterdam
Datum 1883-11-01 - 1883-11-30
Vervaardiging periode19e eeuw
Geografisch trefwoordNieuw-Amsterdam
Objectnaamaquarellen, dorpsgezichten
Objectcategorietekeningen, aquarellen, gouaches
Materiaalpotlood (medium), aquarelverf, papier
Techniektekenen, aquarelleren
- hoogte: 40.30 cm
breedte: 82.20 cm
lijst hoogte: 77.00 cm
breedte: 116.50 cm
dikte: 4.00 cm