Young Masters and Misses
TitelYoung Masters and Misses
Vervaardiger Telfer Stokes (vervaardiger), Museum of Modern Art New York (uitgever)
BeschrijvingThe several modes of storytelling in this book relate to different layers of time. The snapshots of renaissance buildings evoke the distant past in the present while the people in the scenes and text portray the recent past in the present. The photo realism of the imposed objects that sit on the pages and breal them up as illusionistic windows, suggest the present or the present now past. Commissioned by Riva Castleman, this book is one of a series published by the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Opl. 2000
Datum 1984
Vervaardiging periode20e eeuw
Materiaaldrukpapier, drukinkt
- hoogte: 19.00 cm
pagina-aantal: 114.00